Shipping & Delivery
The standard delivery time within Sweden is 1-3 business days, unless otherwise specified and the Nordic countries 2-4 days. Delivery within Europe takes 2-5 business days, to the US 7-10 days, and delivery to UK and Australia 5-7 days. If there are longer than expected delivery delays, the buyer has the option to cancel the order by contacting customer support.

When checking out, you will be able to see an estimated time frame for each delivery option. This estimate is only a rough approximation, as the shipping is carried out by third-party companies and cannot be guaranteed by us. Delivery is considered complete once the buyer or their representative has taken possession of the item.
Shipping fees are non-refundable upon product return.

Shipping options and fee's
In the section below you will find all our shipping methods for the countries we deliver.
Available shipping methods are generated based on the zip code you enter in the checkout. The shipping cost varies depending on the selected shipping option according to the following list.

We do not accept, nor do we cover, VAT or customs charges on your order if you place an order from Australia.

Your purchase will be dispatched within 24 hours of receipt of your order confirmation on weekdays (excluding public holidays). Once your package has left the warehouse, you can track it by logging in with your order number and email address.
Once an order has been dispatched from our warehouse, it can no longer be cancelled. The shipping fees incurred for returns are not eligible for reimbursement. Additionally, deliveries to remote areas may experience extended delivery times.